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ejDropDownList cascade to other ejDropDownList ist not working on Internet explorer

I have 3 dropdown lists which are cascade. 
I fill the next dropdown list with datasource in change event. 
That works in firefox, chrome and safari perfect.

In Internet explorer it isen't working.

                dataSource: dataManagerCategory,
                fields: { value: "test", text: "Name" },
                change: "GetTypeList",
                validationRules: { required: true },
                validationMessage: { required: 'is required.' },

                dataSource: dataManagerType,
                fields: { value: "test", text: "Name" },
                change: "GetSpecList",
                enabled: true,
                validationRules: { required: true },
                validationMessage: { required: 'is required.' },

                dataSource: dataManagerMaterial,
                fields: { value: "test", text: "Name" },
                enabled: true,
                change: "GenerateODNo",
                validationRules: { required: true },
                validationMessage: { required: 'is required.' },

 function GetTypeList(e) {
          var dataManagerType = dataManagerType = ej.DataManager({ url: "/api/ProductType1/GetById/" + e.value, adaptor: new ej.WebApiAdaptor() });
              dataSource: dataManagerType,
              fields: { value: "test", text: "Name" },
              enabled: true
            $("#Barcode").ejMaskEdit({ value: CategoryList.value + TypeList.value + SpecList.value + ODNumber });

        function GetSpecList(e) {

            if (TypeList.value == 002) {

                document.getElementById("Barcode").style.display = 'none';

            else {
                var dataManagerSpec = dataManagerSpec = ej.DataManager({ url: "/api/ProductMaterial/GetById/" + e.value, adaptor: new ej.WebApiAdaptor() });
                    dataSource: dataManagerSpec,
                    fields: { value: "test", text: "Name" },
                    enabled: true
                $("#Barcode").ejMaskEdit({ value: CategoryList.value + TypeList.value + SpecList.value + ODNumber });


1 Reply

NP Narayanasamy Panneer Selvam Syncfusion Team September 6, 2019 12:17 AM UTC

Hi Marvin, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
We have validated your query. Also checked your code and it seems you have manually binding data for DropDownList through change events. Since we are not aware of your web api method, kindly ensure whether the proper dataSource value that matches “e.value” is returned from Controller. We suspect that in change event, the  arguments may got differ for Internet Explorer.  Also, we suggest to try with “*cascadeTo*” property so that DropDownLists will be cascaded based on the matching value in dataSources without change event. While passing query for matching records during cascading, you can pass the query through “cascade” event which will be triggered during cascade. Please refer to the below given UG for example on multi-level cascading. 
Narayanasamy P.  

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