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File Upload Synchronously


When using the EjsUploader control like this: 

                    <EjsUploader Multiple=false                             
                                 AllowedExtensions=".png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif"
                        <UploaderEvents OnUploadStart=@this.OnImageUpload></UploaderEvents>                       

And I want to set the image that is uploaded to a property:
    public void OnImageUpload(UploadingEventArgs uploadingEventArgs)
        var base64Content = uploadingEventArgs

        this.Image = new Image()
            Contents = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64Content[1]),
            Name = uploadingEventArgs.FileData.Name,
            Size = uploadingEventArgs.FileData.Size,
            Type = uploadingEventArgs.FileData.Type


The animation stays as ready for upload and I want it to become Succesfully uploaded, also this event  OnImageUpload doesn't get called.

What should I change to be able to achieve this?

Kind Regards,

2 Replies

GG Gopi Govindasamy Syncfusion Team August 26, 2019 09:19 AM UTC

Hi John, 

Greetings from Syncfusion support.  

We have validated your reported issue and this is known issue in our end. We have already logged bug report for it. We will fix the issue and the fix will be included in our upcoming patch release which is scheduled on 28th August 2019. You can track the status of the reported issue from the below feedback link.  

We have provided workaround details also in the above feedback. 

Gopi G. 

SP Sureshkumar P Syncfusion Team January 2, 2020 01:39 PM UTC

Hi Jalil, 
Thanks for your update. 
We have given the previous requirement with save API. But we did not have a support to upload file without save API. We already logged this as a feature in our end We will include the feature in upcoming Volume-1 2019 release. which is expected to be rolled on end of March ,2020. We appreciate your patience until then. You can track the status of the feature in the below feedback link from below.   
Sureshkumar P 

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