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Grid Export PDF functionality does not seem to work with rowtemplate

I have the following code. The "Download PDF" button works but it returns only one "ID" column(which is a width=0 column). How can I make it honor the grid rowtemplate?
i am also not able to provide a running row number for a column with the Grid rowtemplate using the queryCellinfo event.
Please help.
allowPaging="true" allowPdfExport="true" toolbarClick="toolbarClick"
toolbar="@( new List<object> {"PdfExport"})" queryCellInfo="queryCellInfo">
function toolbarClick(args)
var gridObj = document.getElementById("SocialMediaAccountDetails").ej2_instances[0];
if (args.item.id === 'SocialMediaAccountDetails_pdfexport')
var exportProperties = {fileName: "tweets.pdf"};
var count = 1;
function queryCellInfo(args) {
if (args.column.headerText == "Row Number") {
args.cell.innerHTML = count;

2 Replies

AG ajit goel replied to ajit goel August 18, 2019 04:14 AM UTC

I have the following code. The "Download PDF" button works but it returns only one "ID" column(which is a width=0 column). How can I make it honor the grid rowtemplate?
i am also not able to provide a running row number for a column with the Grid rowtemplate using the queryCellinfo event.
Please help.
allowPaging="true" allowPdfExport="true" toolbarClick="toolbarClick"
toolbar="@( new List<object>() {"PdfExport"})" queryCellInfo="queryCellInfo">
function toolbarClick(args)
var gridObj = document.getElementById("SocialMediaAccountDetails").ej2_instances[0];
if (args.item.id === 'SocialMediaAccountDetails_pdfexport')
var exportProperties = {fileName: "tweets.pdf"};
var count = 1;
function queryCellInfo(args) {
if (args.column.headerText == "Row Number") {
args.cell.innerHTML = count;

Please close this item. 

DR Dhivya Rajendran Syncfusion Team August 19, 2019 12:18 PM UTC

Hi Ajit,  
Thanks for contacting us.   
We have already provided response for the query in forum #146757. Please check that forum for more information. 

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