Hi Anjali Kumari,
Good day to you.
We have prepared a custom sample based on your requirement. In the sample, we have considered both the copy and move behavior. You can achieve this behavior in the nodeDragStop event of Treeview using the following code snippet.
public onDragStop(args: any): void {
// Checks whether the target is treeview2
let targetEle: any = closest(args.target, '.e-droppable');
targetEle = targetEle ? targetEle : args.target;
if(targetEle.id == "tree2") {
args.cancel = true
var data = [{ 'id': args.draggedNodeData.id, 'name': args.draggedNodeData.text }]
// Add collection of node to treeview2
var treeObj = this.tree;
treeObj.addNodes(data, args.droppedNode);
} |
In the above code, you can copy and paste the nodes from treeview1 to treeview2. But other cases, you can able to perform move and paste operation.
Also, after performing drag and drop operations, you can get the updated source using getTreeData method of the Treeview.
Please check the above sample and get back to us if you need any further assistance.
Ashokkumar B.