Hi Ryan,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
We would like to inform you that bind the change event name as “ValueChange” and we suggest you to use our public API “AllowEdit” as “false” to disable typing in the DatePicker input and select the date only from the DatePicker popup as mentioned in the below code example.
<EjsDatePicker Value="@DateValue" ValueChange="@onChange" AllowEdit="false"></EjsDatePicker>
<p>DatePicker Value is: @DateValue</p>
@code {
public DateTime? DateValue { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
private void onChange(Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Calendars.ChangedEventArgs args)
DateValue = args.Value;
} |
Please find the sample from the below link.
To know more about DatePicker component, please refer the below documentation link.
Berly B.C