have a few issues with the asp.net web forms Grid control, id appreciate some help please
1) the ServerRowDeselected event never seems to fire
2) when I click the header to sort it deselects the current row (so none are selected) but as it doesn’t seem to raise an event I can’t reset my internal ‘SelectedIndex’ flag to -1, how do I do this?. Im sure at sone time clicking the header kept the current item selected, but I think I must have changed a setting somewhere or my update panels are getting in the way – any ideas?
3) I can’t find how to check what the current grid selected row or index is programatically in my c# code behind - all examples seem to Do it in an event. And am pretty much a newbie to javascript and need to learn more, so if you are giving a javascript example please also tell me how I get the appropriate values into my code behind
4) How do I programmatically select a row on one of the grid pages and ensure its visible, eg after a new row is inserted mid way in the list
ive attached my test page to give you an idea where im at
<ej:Button ID="btn_Click" runat="server" OnClick="btn_Click_Click" Size="Normal" Text="Click to Select"></ej:Button>
<ej:Grid ID="OrdersGrid" runat="server"
In code behind
protected void btn_Click_Click(object Sender, ButtonEventArgs e)
if(OrdersGrid.SelectedRowIndex != -1) {
// GridId. SelectedRowIndex will give selected rownindex
function complete(args) {
if (args.requestType == "save" && args.action == "add") {
this.selectRows(index); // index= index of newly added row