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Load new content in main with script included

Hi support,
I want to use your dashboard layout to make a webpage with different types of content on the right hand side.
(On the left hand side I have a tree view as navigation menu.)
So on one page I do have a grid, on the other I have a chart etc. All with different data.
Like you do it in your example

I know how to change the innerHTML of the sidebar-content element. This works when there is pure html content.
But if I want to include javascript to this, the script between <script> and </script> is not executed.

Do I have to load all the necessary javascript functions right at the beginning and then invoke them on the different content parts?
This would it make harder to use a modular design.

What is the best pattern to realize an application like your appointment planner with pure javascript?


3 Replies

AB Ashokkumar Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team August 5, 2019 12:14 PM UTC

Hi Stephan Schrade, 
Currently we are working on your query and will update further on this to you shortly. 
Ashokkumar B.  

AB Ashokkumar Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team August 5, 2019 02:36 PM UTC

Hi Stephan Schrade, 
Good day to you. 
We have analyzed your requirement and considered this one as a custom sample at our end. So, we will prepare and share a custom sample based on your requirement within 3 business days. 
Ashokkumar B. 

AB Ashokkumar Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team August 8, 2019 11:28 AM UTC

Hi Stephan Schrade, 
Thanks for being patience. 
We have prepared a custom sample as per your requirement to change the content to the right side based on selecting the nodes in TreeView and attached it in the below link. 
Here, initially we have rendered the Dashboard layout component to the right side by initializing the component by using the dataBound event of the TreeView component. Also, in order to change the content on selecting each node in the TreeView component we have used the TreeView nodeSelecting event to initialize other components as content as the right-side content of the page. 
If this is not your requirement or if we have misunderstood your query, please get back to us exact details of your requirement so that we can validate and provide an exact solution to achieve your requirement. 
Ashokkumar B. 

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