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SfAutoComplete and SfListview huge performance problem.


I noticed huge performance problem when using SfAutoComplete inside SfListView. It is noticeable even if DataSource for auto complete is empty, but if populated with huge amount of records (about 50 000), the problem is huge.

I have quite short SfListView (between 0-99 elements) but each row has one SfAutoComplete with big DataSource (about 50 000). I noticed 2 strange performance issues.

1. Adding first few items take very long (can be even few seconds each). It seems that the problem appear only if new item is visible. So for example if list is empty and first 5 items can be visible, than adding first 6 items can take few seconds, but adding next 93 elements is very fast and there is no problem to scroll to the end of the list immediately. Performance is very nice. After items are created first time, removing and adding elements works fast (I guess because the list caches views somewhere) 

2. If list has for example 99 items with SfAutoComplete (50 000 auto complete DataSource each) as long as SfAutoComplete.Text properties are empty scrolling is fast, but if only SfAutoComplete.Text properties have any values, there is huge list scrolling performance problem. It seems that just few visible items with filled Text create problem.

If you need any more information please let me know. 


4 Replies

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team August 7, 2019 01:51 PM UTC

Hi Radoslaw Kubas, 
We have analyzed the reported issue “SfAutoComplete and SfListview huge performance problem” from our side. We are unable to reproduce the reported issue in our end.  
We have prepared the sample with Entry and SfAutoComplete inside the SfListView. But both are behaving same inside the SfListView, while scrolling. So the scrolling time will be taken as normal for element rendering in Xamarin.Forms.  
Please try the attached below sample and let us know if you have any concern on this. 
Sample Link: 
Muneesh Kumar G.  

RK Radoslaw Kubas August 8, 2019 09:36 AM UTC


Thank you for your example, I will analyse the differences with my code and prepare example to reproduce problem I was mentioning before. 

When I compiled and run your example I noticed another small problem with SfListView. Please check yourself in example you prepared. To reproduce just.

1. Navigate to any subpage (problem appears in both)
2. Just tap one entry and edit it. 
3. Scroll list, you will notice that same text will repeat each 10 items.

It seems to be small problem, because it appears only if Text property is NOT binded, but in case it has some bigger deep impact I preferred to report it here.

UPDATE: The problem is bigger than I thought. When I check on iOS, same thing happens also to focus. If you tap one SfAutoComplete, it gets focus, then scroll list, each 10th SfAutoComplete has focus too.


MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team August 12, 2019 07:31 AM UTC

Hi Radoslaw Kubas,  
We would like to inform you that sample that provided in last update we have not used the binding with Entry control. Now we have prepared the sample with proper binding, it doesn’t repeat the text on scrolling. Please check the below sample and let me know, 
Muneesh Kumar G. 

RK Radoslaw Kubas August 22, 2019 08:02 AM UTC

Thank you for your reply and upgraded example and I'm sorry I didn't get back to you faster.
I checked the sample you created and as expected binding solved problem with Entry.Text repeating, but there is still a problem with focus. To reproduce:
1. start your sample in iOS simulator
2. tap item "0" and edit it, for example to "0A", it is important to have blinking text cursor 
3. start to scroll list down
4. in my case item "18" has blinking cursor as well, and it repeats with item 36, 54, 72...
Could you give me a hint how to solve it?

Best regards,

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