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Multiple datalabel template

Is it possible to use multiple template for datalabel.
e.g. If x < 10 then use templete 'template1' and if x>=10 then use template 'template2'

3 Replies

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team July 5, 2019 10:20 AM UTC

Hi Sutthipong, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
We have analysed your query. Yes, we can add multiple template for data label using seriesRendering event. Using this event we can assign marker template for each points based on provided condition. We have prepared a simple sample based on your requirement. In that multiple template is working fine as you expect. Please find below sample and code snippet, 
Code Snippet: 
seriesRendering: function(args){ 
                                           for(var j=0; j < args.data.series.points.length; j++){ 
                                           if(args.data.series.points[j].y > 19 && args.data.series.points[j].y < 29 ) { 
              args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, template: 'template' }}; 
                                           } else if(args.data.series.points[j].y > 9 && args.data.series.points[j].y < 18 ) { 
              args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, template: 'template1' }}; 
            } else { 
               args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, template: 'template2' }}; 
Hope this helps. 

SU Sutthipong July 10, 2019 03:49 AM UTC

Sorry for late response.
It working as I expected but I have some question is it possible to custom value for datalabel like display value to absolute value or format decimal place.

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team July 11, 2019 09:27 AM UTC

Hi Sutthipong, 
Thanks for the update. 
We have analyzed your query. We can achieve your requirement using the displayTextRendering event in the chart. Using this event we customize the data label text as you expect. But this is not applicable for template property. If you want to customize the text and shape for data label without using the template, then we suggest you to use datalabel fill, shape, and border properties and displayTextRendering event. In this case, we can show the formatted text as you expected format. We have attached the modified sample and screenshot. Please find below sample and screenshot, 
Code Snippet: 
//To customize the outer appearance of the datalabel 
seriesRendering: function(args){ 
    for(var j=0; j < args.data.series.points.length; j++){ 
      if(args.data.series.points[j].y > 19 && args.data.series.points[j].y < 29 ) { 
              args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, fill: 'aqua',border: { color: "green", width: 1}, shape: 'circle', offset: 20 }}; 
         } else if(args.data.series.points[j].y > 9 && args.data.series.points[j].y < 18 ) { 
              args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, fill: 'yellow',border: { color: "orange", width: 1}, shape: 'circle', offset: 20 } }; 
            } else { 
               args.data.series.points[j].marker =  { dataLabel: { visible:true, fill: 'lawngreen',border: { color: "red", width: 1}, shape: 'circle', offset: 20 } }; 
//To customize the text 
          displayTextRendering: function(args) { 
          args.data.text = Math.ceil(args.model.series[args.data.seriesIndex].points[args.data.pointIndex].y) + '%'; 
Hope this helps. 

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