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Expired License Doubt


I work in a company that provides services to an client, and we are interested in using the Syncfusion Xamarin Forms components. Talking to my manager, we came to some doubts with some scenarios, and I'm in need of your help.

Scenario 01:
We have developed for our client a mobile application, Xamarin Forms, already published in Google Play and App Store, where our client offers its services. If we use the components of Syncfusion, we publish some versions, and after 1 year the licence expires, what happens to my application available in Google Play and App Store? Will they stop working? Will they display any expired license messages for my client's users? What about my development environment? If I make a new build and run my application through Visual Studio, will it stop? Will you display any expired license messages?

Scenario 02:
In my company, we have budget restrictions, I am the only developer working with mobile development, I have read that Syncfusion has an individual developer license for the Xamarin Forms component package, for $ 995.00. But how does this individual restriction apply? Is it validated in my development environment? Is it validated within my application when running? I ask this because the Android version of our application is published on behalf of company where I work but the iOS version due to restrictions of the App Store is published in the name of my client "X" because the Apple Store does not support the situation of a service provider to publish an app on behalf of its customer. In such a situation, can I use a single license? Or does the app publisher issue influence the Syncfusion license?

I look forward to a return, and thank you in advance for the clarifications.

1 Reply

AR August Rengifo Syncfusion Team July 9, 2019 06:26 PM UTC

Hello Alan,

You can reach me at +1 919 650 2904 or AugustR@syncfusion.com. I have already sent you and Pedro an email as well. 

Kind regards,

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