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TreeView. How to store information in Tree Nodes

Is there a way to store some information (nodeId,nodeindex,etc)in tree nodes besides the text porperty. It would be nice if you can store an object in some property of the node like Tag

1 Reply

SG Steve Graddy May 29, 2004 09:13 PM UTC

You can store any object you would like in the node Tag property. All you have to do is cast to the proper object when you access it. Example C# : CustomObject custObj = (CustomObject)treeView.Node.Tag; string something = custObj.SomeStringProperty; That is as easy as it gets.... >Is there a way to store some information (nodeId,nodeindex,etc)in tree nodes besides the text porperty. >It would be nice if you can store an object in some property of the node like Tag

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