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Charts do not refresh when data changes


I am experiencing issues with the Doughnut chart and horizontal bar chart.

When the bound data changes and the control re-renders, the charts do not update to display the new data.

Strangely the AccumulationChartAccumulationAnnotation does refresh correctly.

Please advise, thanks.

1 Reply

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team July 3, 2019 12:35 PM UTC

Hi John, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Response #1: For Horizontal Bar Chart 
We have tried to replicate the reported scenario in bar charts. Unfortunately we are unable reproduce the reported issue at our end. We suspect it may occurs because of older version packages. So, kindly update your packages to new version. If you want to upgrade to new version, please refer the below links.  
Here we have attached the sample and code snippet for your reference which is used by testing, 
Code Snippet: 
<div class="control-section"> 
        <button onclick="@dataChange">Change the Data</button> 
        <EjsChart id="container" width="60%"> 
            <ChartPrimaryXAxis ValueType="Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Charts.ValueType.Double"> 
                <ChartSeries dataSource="@dataSource" xName="xValue" yName="yValue" name="India" type="ChartSeriesType.Bar"> 
     public class ChartData 
            public double xValue; 
            public double yValue; 
            public double yValue1; 
      List<ChartData> dataSourcenew List<ChartData> { 
            new ChartData { xValue = 10, yValue = 21 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 20, yValue = 24 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 30, yValue = 36 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 40, yValue = 38 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 50, yValue = 54 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 60, yValue = 57 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 70, yValue = 70 }, 
       void dataChange() 
        this.dataSourcenew List<ChartData> { 
            new ChartData { xValue = 20, yValue = 55 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 40, yValue = 15 }, 
            new ChartData { xValue = 60, yValue = 75 }, 
Response #2: For Donut Charts 
We have validated the reported issue in donut charts. We were able to reproduce the issue Accumulation chart doesn't refresh when the data changes and we confirm this as a bug and logged a defect report .You can keep track of the bug from the feedback portal below.  
The fix will be available in our upcoming Volume 2 main release 2019 which is scheduled to be rolled out at mid of July 2019. 

If you have any more specification/precise replication procedure or a scenario to be tested, you can add it as a comment in the portal.  

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