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Hiding Columns


Do you provide any built-in functionality for removing grid columns? Something like the filter functionality but there are checkboxes with the column names next to them.

3 Replies

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team July 1, 2019 11:38 AM UTC

Hi Ivan,  

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion forums. 

Query: “Do you provide any built-in functionality for removing grid columns? Something like the filter functionality but there are checkboxes with the column names next to them. 

Yes. We have in built support to show / hide columns using a check box. Using ColumnChooser feature you can hide the visible column / show the hidden column and the column chooser is rendered within the Grid toolbar. Refer the below code example and screenshot to enable the column chooser in Grid. 

<EjsGrid id="Grid" AllowPaging="true" ShowColumnChooser="true" toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "ColumnChooser" })"> 
    <EjsDataManager Url="https://ej2services.syncfusion.com/production/web-services/api/Orders" Adaptor="Adaptors.WebApiAdaptor"></EjsDataManager> 
        <GridColumn Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" ISPrimaryKey="true" TextAlign="@Syncfusion.EJ2.RazorComponents.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="90"></GridColumn> 
        <GridColumn Field="CustomerID" HeaderText="First Name" Width="90"></GridColumn> 
        <GridColumn Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="Employee ID" Width="90"></GridColumn> 
        <GridColumn Field="Freight" HeaderText="Freight" Width="90"></GridColumn> 


Note: Uncheck the check boxes of the corresponding column name and click the OK button, it will hide those columns.  

For your convenience we have prepared a sample which can be downloaded from below  

Please get back to us if you have further queries.   

Vignesh Natarajan. 

VO Volker September 12, 2022 10:59 AM UTC

Sorry, I don't know how to achive this:

How can we hide e.g. column "OrderID" on very first load, but allow to be displayed via ShowColumnChooser , when a user wants that later on?

By setting visible=false we cannot show it later any more, it remains hidden forever, no matter whether one switches this column to ON in the ShowColumnChooser :

<GridColumn Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" Visible="false">GridColumn>

NP Naveen Palanivel Syncfusion Team September 13, 2022 11:12 PM UTC

Hi Volker

Greetings from Syncfusion support.

We checked your query and we suspect when grid is render particular column set as visible is false later based on user , it could be showed on columnchoser . we prepared sample as per the requirement and attached in this ticket .

Please refer the attached sample for your reference .

Please get back to us if you need further assistance


Naveen Palanivel

Attachment: Grid_e2fe4f97.zip

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