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DataMarker clipped by chart area


I have a simple line series with ChartDataMarker set to be a circle.  When this touches an axis or the edge of the normal displayable area for series data, the marker may get cropped.  This can look 'wrong'.

Is there a way to allow the markers to always be rendered completely?

I could adjust the ranges such that all data points are within the chart area but this doesn't always look 'correct'.  E.g. a line data-point of (0,0) should be displayed at the bottom-left where the axes meet :

Many thanks,

3 Replies

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team June 28, 2019 07:07 AM UTC

Hi Chris, 
Due to the complexity on providing workaround and we have logged feature request for this requirement, and it can be tracked through our feedback portal below.  
Please cast your vote to make it count. We will prioritize the features every release based on the demands and we do not have immediate plan to implement this feature since we committed with already planned work. So, this feature will be available any of our upcoming release. 
If you have any more specification/suggestions to the feature request, you can add it as a comment in the portal. We appreciate your patience until then. 

CS Chris Smith June 28, 2019 07:40 AM UTC

Great, thanks for the reply, at least I know what options I have.


BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team June 28, 2019 08:50 AM UTC

Hi Chris, 
Thanks for your update. Let us know, if you have any other concerns. 

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