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Hi, I have this code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-stockchart-crosshair-qqh14r

I have 3 problems:
  1. How can I visualise a legend? Looks like legendSettings is not supported by the StockChartComponent
  2. If you look at the tooltip it shows lot of `null` values. How can I change it to show only my data? (Price value and data?)
  3. the lineStyle for the primaryYAxis is ignored
Can you please help me?

2 Replies

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team June 20, 2019 12:34 PM UTC

Hi Marco, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Query #1: How can I visualise a legend? Looks like legendSettings is not supported by the StockChartComponent? 
We have analysed your query. As of now we don’t have support for stock chart legend. So we will provide work around sample for legend using annotation. Now we are working on this and we will update the status within one business day(June 21, 2019). 
Query #2: If you look at the tooltip it shows lot of `null` values. How can I change it to show only my data? (Price value and data?) 
By using tooltip format property we can customize the format based on given data. Please find below code snippet, 
Code snippet: 
  tooltip={{enable: true, format: 'Price Date: ${point.x} <br/> Price value: ${point.y}'}} 
Query #3: the lineStyle for the primaryYAxis is ignored 
We have analysed your query with your code snippet. From that, We suspect you want to remove gridlines of the primayXAxis. By setting majorGridLine width value as zero in primaryXAxis we can ingnore the gridline. 
Code Snippet: 
  primaryXAxis={{ majorGridLines: { width: 0 }}} 
Kindly revert us, if you have any concerns. 

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team June 21, 2019 10:59 AM UTC

Hi Marco, 
 Thanks for your patience. 
Query #1: How can I visualise a legend? Looks like legendSettings is not supported by the StockChartComponent? 
We have analysed your query. We have prepared a work around sample for legend support to stock chart component. In that we have changed the visibility of the series based on click over the legend div element. Please find below sample, 
Before Legend Click 
After Legend Click 
Kindly revert us, if you have any concerns. 

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