I am using Xamarin forms SfChart control.
In the Android version, no problem at all. The Trackball labels are all visibles.
But I have issues for the IOS version. The labels overlapped as the datapoints of the series are very close in values.
Attaching screenshots of the issue.
I am using the Syncfusion version
<chart:ChartZoomPanBehavior EnableSelectionZooming="True"
<chart:ChartTrackballBehavior ShowLabel="true" ShowLine="True" LabelDisplayMode="FloatAllPoints" >
<chart:ChartTrackballLabelStyle BorderColor="Maroon" BorderThickness="2" />
Do you know how I can resolve this issue quickly, please?
I am in need of help as my app needs to be show case on Thursday.
I thank you very much
Djamila Ritchie