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Excel Exporting from Grid


I have a grid and have populated it with the correct data, but I am also trying to add a button for exporting to an excel file.

The exporting is currently not working and I would like to know why. I have tried the methods below (See attachment for details).

ExcelExport exp = new ExcelExport();

exp.Export(PlanningUnitsGrid.Model, (IEnumerable)PlanningUnitsGrid.DataSource, "Export.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Excel2010, true, true, "flat-lime");


new ExcelExport().Export(PlanningUnitsGrid.Model, PlanningUnitsGrid.DataSource, "Export.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Excel2010, false, false, ExportTheme.BootstrapTheme);

Attachment: Bands_f6989229.zip

3 Replies

FS Farveen Sulthana Thameeztheen Basha Syncfusion Team June 18, 2019 03:18 AM UTC

Hi Alex, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

Query#:- The exporting is currently not working and I would like to know why. I have tried the methods below. 
We have prepared sample as per your code example but we are unable to reproduce your reported problem at our end. Refer to the sample Link:- 

We need some more additional information to find the cause of the issue. Share us the following details. 

  1. StackTrace of the issue or Exception.
  2.  Stringified model of the Grid on server side while on Exporting as like below screenshot and copy it into clipboard.
  3. If possible replicate the issue in the above sample and revert us back.
  4. Exact scenario you have faced the issue(while using Template column or else using without Template column).

Farveen sulthana T 

AJ Alex Jermy June 19, 2019 09:28 AM UTC


1. Unfortunately there is no stack trace, because no error is thrown, and also no stack-trace. The button is just unresponsive. Nothing happens when it is clicked. (Although it is highlighted on mouse-over).
2. I don't understand how to do what you describe here:
 'Stringified model of the Grid on server side while on Exporting as like below screenshot and copy it into clipboard.'
3. Could you explain how to do this?
4. The sample you have provided works absolutely fine on my machine, and the grid is exported.
5. I am currently using a template in the first column and experiencing this problem. But when I comment out the 'template' column, I still cannot export the grid.

Thanks very much!


MP Manivannan Padmanaban Syncfusion Team June 20, 2019 10:31 AM UTC

Hi Alex, 

Thanks for the update. 

Refer the below steps to share the exporting grid model. 

Step 1: 

Open the Grid Model in Text Visualizer. 


Step 2:  

Copy the Grid model, paste it in text file and share to us. 


Also, kindly get back to us with below details. 
  1. Share the Video demonstration of the issue.
  2. If possible, reproduce the reported issue in the previously provided sample and revert back to us.
Manivannan Padmanaban. 

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