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Nested TapView Swipping Issue

I have TapView with contains TabViews inside it Like a Tree, nested is working great but the problem is the  swipping issue when I swipp the father tabview is the only swipping 
the childs arn't swipping ... is there any solution for this scenario this is my code sample and I attached it  to make you understand more my issue 

 <tabView:SfTabView BackgroundColor="Aqua" >
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Call">
                    <tabView:SfTabView BackgroundColor="Gainsboro" >
                        <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Ahmed">
                                <Grid BackgroundColor="Red" />

                        <tabView:SfTabItem Title="yacine">
                                <Grid BackgroundColor="Green" />

            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Call">
                    <Grid x:Name="AllContactsGrid1" BackgroundColor="Red" />
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Call">
                    <Grid x:Name="AllContactsGrid2" BackgroundColor="Red" />
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Call">
                    <Grid x:Name="AllContactsGrid3" BackgroundColor="Red" />
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Call">
                    <Grid x:Name="AllContactsGrid4" BackgroundColor="Red" />
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Favorites">
                    <Grid x:Name="FavoritesGrid" BackgroundColor="Green" />
            <tabView:SfTabItem Title="Contacts">
                    <Grid x:Name="ContactsGrid" BackgroundColor="Blue" />

hint : I used EnableSwipping and is'not working and I generate my nested TapView dynamic .. I hope you could help me to figure solution for this 

Attachment: syncfusionTest_ed5372a5.rar

1 Reply

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team May 29, 2019 11:21 AM UTC

Hi Ahmed, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
We have validated your query and we would like to inform you that this is our default behavior. You can enable only single tab view swiping in your application. Based on your requirement you can enable the swiping for required SfTabView and disable the swiping for other tab views.  
Please get back us, if you have any other queries. 
Muneesh Kumar G. 

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