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Hide value?

Hi all,

with SfNumericUpDown, is it possible to hide the display of the value so that I only see the + and - ?

3 Replies

BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team May 27, 2019 12:17 PM UTC

Hi Kai, 
Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products. 
Could you please confirm which of the following behavior you are expecting? 
1.     In the UI, only the + and – button should be visible.  
2.     Transparent color for the text and + and – button in the UI as shown below.  

KA Kai May 27, 2019 12:20 PM UTC

Hi Bharati,
I would like to have the first one if that's possible.

BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team May 29, 2019 06:13 AM UTC

Hi Kai, 
By using the CustomView Property, we can achieve your requirement in sample itself. Please refer the below code snippet for your reference. 
Code Snippet [XAML]: 
<numeric:SfNumericUpDown x:Name="numericUpDown" Value="5" WidthRequest="60" HorizontalOptions="Start"> 
                    <StackLayout BackgroundColor="Red" VerticalOptions="Start" WidthRequest="0"/> 
The sample can be downloaded from the link below.  

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