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Form HeightRequest and Scrolling issues

The attached sample project illustrates two issues I need guidance on:

1. With line 43 uncommented and line 44 commented in OnAppearing Method in App.cs

The form will not scroll when part of a relative layout.

2. With line 43 commented and line 44 uncommented in OnAppearing Method in App.cs

The form spacing does not seem to honor heightrequest.
Want the label that reads: Snap or select verification photo to be moved up the page right under the form. But I can't seem to get the form size to change.

Also a related question: how do I dynamically change a form size at runtime?

Attachment: App1_6cc205f2.zip

1 Reply

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team May 22, 2019 02:02 PM UTC

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Query 1: Regarding DataForm does not scrolling inside Relative layout. 
We have analyzed your sample and suspect that you tried to set height for DataForm more than that of its parent so scrolling not working, we tried by setting height value less than its parent scrolling working fine. 
Query 2: DataForm does not take HightRequest value 
From your sample we found that you are set DataForm VerticalOptions to FillAndExpand. FillAndExpand will occupy spaces if there were empty spaces in parent view,hence there were spaces between DataForm and Label, If you set VerticalOptions to Fill, you can achieve your requirement. 
We have modified your sample for the above two queries. 
Sample link: DataForm 
Query 3: How do I dynamically change a form size at runtime? 
As you have set height for DataForm in your sample, we can set height dynamically. We have prepared a simple sample for the same. 
We hope that this helps. Kindly revert us if you have any concern. 
Subburaj Pandian V     

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