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ComboBoxFor NullReferenceException on

Hello Syncfusion team,

We've recently updated to to be up to date, but we started to have several problemas with some ComboBoxFor that were previously working perfectly.

For example:

@Html.EJS().ComboBoxFor(model => model.UserID).Render() 
is giving us a NullReferenceException. We didn't change anything, just updated your library.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team May 16, 2019 12:11 PM UTC

Hello Matias, 

Greetings from Syncfusion support. 

We have validated the reported issue. This is a know issue in our end and we have considered this as a bug. The fix for this issue will be included in upcoming patch release scheduled in the last week of May 2019. Until then we suggest you use build NuGet to replace the NuGet cache location (%userprofile%\.nuget\packages) in your end. 


PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team May 22, 2019 03:34 PM UTC

Hello Matias, 

Good day to you. 

We have fixed the reported issue and the fix is included in the release version 17.1.48. We suggest you upgrade to the latest version to resolve this in your end. 


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