Hi Damien,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
By default, getHtml() method of RTE will return the plain HTML content within RTE and this will not return the value of control rendered within RTE. Since RTE editor content will be rendered as Iframe, checkbox element cannot be directly tracked in DOM with normal jQuery. We suggest you get the value of checkbox by navigating with Checkbox id from RTE’s iframe as shown below
function getValue()
var check1 = $("#rteSample_Iframe").contents().find("#Checkbox1").is(":checked");
var check2 = $("#rteSample_Iframe").contents().find("#Checkbox2").is(":checked");
alert("Checkbox 1 is checked : " + check1 +"\n Checkbox 2 is checked:" + check2);
} |
We have attached a sample for your reference in the following link
Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.
Ashokkumar B.