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Disable CommandButton by Parameter

Good Morning,

I need to know how to disable and enable a 'CommandButton' in GRID.

Here is the code snippet below:

    // grid commands
     this.commands = [
       {title: 'Delete', buttonOption: {content: '<i class = "fas fa-trash-alt"> </ i>', cssClass: 'e-flat e-danger', click: this.onDelete.bind (this)}},
       {title: 'Edit', buttonOption: {content: '<i class = "fas fa-pencil-alt"> </ i>', cssClass: 'e-flat e-success', click: this.onEdit.bind (this)}},
       {title: 'Add', buttonOption: {content: '<i class = "fas fa-plus"> </ i>', cssClass: 'e-flat e-info', click: this.onAddChildren.bind (this (I.e.

I would need the Add button to be disabled, or invisible, when a parameter is true.

Could I do this?

1 Reply

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team April 29, 2019 09:16 AM UTC

Hi Julio, 

Greetings from Syncfusion support 

We have validated your requirement. You can achieve your requirement using queryCellInfo event of the Grid. Please refer the below code snippet to achieve your requirement. Like the below code snippet we can render icons and using QueryCellInfo event we can remove the icon. 


ngOnInit(): void { 
        this.childGrid = { 
            queryCellInfo: function (args) { 
              if(args.column.headerText == 'Commands' && args.data.Freight > 30){   //add your condition 
              args.cell.getElementsByTagName('button')[0].remove();                             //remove the element 
            columns: [ 
                   { headerText: 'Commands', width: 120, commands: [ 
{ buttonOption: {cssClass:'e-flat',iconCss: 'fa fa-pencil', click: this.onClick } },     //add the icons in custom Command 
{ buttonOption: {cssClass:'e-flat',iconCss: 'fa fa-random', click: this.onClick } }] 

We have prepared a  sample based on your requirement. Please refer the below sample and documentation link for more information: 

Please get back to us if you need further assistance. 

Thavasianand S. 

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