Hi Mani,
Syncfusion PowerPoint library do not support .PPT file format. However, we have supported a .PPTX, .PPTM, .POTX, .POTM file formats to create, modify and convert.
By using Syncfusion PowerPoint and Excel libraries, we can achieve your requirement “Creating a PowerPoint chart from pivot table in an excel sheet”. We have provided ASP.NET Web Forms sample for your requirement.
Please find the sample from below,
Sample link - http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/144243/ze/CreatePowerPointChart380903911
1. Opened an excel sheet using Syncfusion Excel library.
2. Exported a pivot table data into an System data table.
3. Created a PowerPoint using Syncfusion PowerPoint library.
4. Created a chart in PowerPoint by using above data table.
5. Saved and return a PowerPoint document.
Please let us know if you need any further assistances.
Ramaraj Marimuthu