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New line spacing problems in PDF export

Am experiencing problems getting multi line value text such as those saved by textarea to display consistently between the javascript report viewer and the exported PDF from the same viewer.

For example this is what my current report looks like in report viewer and exported PDF respectively:

As you can see there is an additional spacing created between lines. I'm pretty sure this problem didn't occur until updating to the newer version of the report server. I've done a bit of testing and one thing I've noticed is that this for text values that include Line Feed i.e. CHR(10) will look like the above but if I change to only using Carriage Returns i.e. CHR(13) it will instead work properly in PDF but not in the report viewer as below:

I would appreciate any help to get the export back to being consistent with the report display.

6 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 15, 2019 09:47 AM UTC

Hi David, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Components. 

We have validated the reported problem at our end in report platform version and not able to reproduce the reported issue. So, we have prepared a simple RDL report for your reference and it can be downloaded from the below location. 

If issue still persists then could you please revert the RDL file with issue reproducible case to validate the mentioned problem at our end. 

Vinoth S. 

DA David April 16, 2019 03:38 AM UTC

Hi Vinoth,

Thanks for the reply, it's strange though the error doesn't occur if creating strings directly as you have sent me in the report. It only seems to happen when I take textarea data from the database. Also the problem with carriage return CHR(13) only text not showing correctly in report viewer happens in both directly create string and from database value. I'll continue trying to test and will reply back with a reproducible report when I can.

DA David April 16, 2019 04:05 AM UTC

I think I've managed to reproduce with the attached report. Basically this happens on my end if there is a space just before the CHR(10). I've sent back the edited version to see if it also happens on your end.

Attachment: LineSpace_cef10cc.zip

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 16, 2019 08:46 AM UTC

Hi David, 

We have confirmed that we were able to reproduce this issue in the v3.2.0.40 report platform release. It has been fixed and rolled out in the Report Platform v3.2.0.42 SP release last week. Could you please upgrade the Report Platform into v3.2.0.42 and make use of it? 

Vinoth S. 

DA David April 16, 2019 08:53 AM UTC

Ah right, sorry about that didn't realize it was already fixed in the latest service pack. I'll have to prepare a bit before updating but thanks for the help in checking this problem.

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team April 16, 2019 08:56 AM UTC

Hi David, 

Thanks for your update and please confirm us once issue has been resolved after upgrading to latest service pack release. 

Vinoth S. 

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