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SQL 2003 Statement

Does Syncfusion Dashboard support SQL:2003 command like cube and rollup in the query syntax ?

Thank you.

3 Replies

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team April 8, 2019 11:37 AM UTC

Hi Albert, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We support SQL Server from 2005 and above in Dashboard Platform. We cannot connect SQL server 2003 in Dashboard platform, but we can use the statements "Cube" and "Rollup" in the Code view by connecting any SQL server from 2005+ in Dashboard Platform. Please refer the following link to connect SQL server 
Syncfusion Dashboard supports CUBE and ROLLUP in Code View editor.  Please follow the below steps 
  1. Create SQL Server data source using Dashboard cloud and select table to which CUBE or ROLLUP function has to be applied
  1. Consider below sample and switch to Code View window as shown below.
  1. Under Code View editor the query can be modified to add support for CUBE or ROLLUP functions as shown below.
  1. Above query can be executed and data source can be saved for further operations.
Also modifying query in ‘Code View’ editor will be applied to entire data source. If a widget has to be filled with CUBE or ROLLUP queried data then this can be achieved by using separate data source only. 
Please let us know, if you have any queries. 
Renuka N.

AK Albert K April 9, 2019 02:20 AM UTC

Thanks for the info.  But my question is more specific with regards to SQL standards,  ie the SQL2003 specification and not Microsoft SQL server.   

Also, Can the cube/rollup syntax be used against Postgres, Ansi SQL ODBC drivers?  Thank you.

SK Sabapathy K  Syncfusion Team April 9, 2019 12:08 PM UTC

Hi Albert, 
Please below find the response for your query. 
But my question is more specific with regards to SQL standards,  ie the SQL2003 specification and not Microsoft SQL server.  
In all SQL Live mode connections, data will be queried directly from the connected server (e.g. Oracle, Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL). So the queries in code view will work as per connected SQL data sources. If your SQL data source supports SQL 2003 standard and connected in Syncfusion in live mode which will in our dashboard platform. 
Can the cube/rollup syntax be used against Postgres. 
Yes, cube/ rollup syntax can be used against Postgres data source. 
ANSI SQL ODBC drivers. 
No, currently we don’t have the support to connect the data bases using ANSI SQL ODBC driver on Web Dashboard Designer. 
Please let us know if you need further assistance on this. 
Sabapathy K. 

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