Hello Toko,
Thank you for contacting us.
Query 1: “Is it possible to save images as a base64 string with the rest of the text?”
Yes. It is possible to save images as a base64 string with the rest of the text. By default, we have created a blob URL for the image and set to the src property of <img> tag. We have prepared a sample to convert the blob URL of inserting images to base64 in the Rich Text Editor component.
The above sample covered the below things,
- Converted the image source URL through an ActionComplete event of Rich Text Editor and set the base64 result as a source attribute of inserting image using onloadend FileReader event.
- The readAsDataURL method is used to read the contents of the specified Blob or File.
- The onloadend event triggered each time the reading operation is completed.
Query 2: “When I get the value of the text it is showed and stored a link.”
We could not fully get your above-mentioned requirement. We need additional information on this. Could you please share the below details?
- Do you get the value of the Rich Text Editor component?
- Do you show the insert image source attribute as base64 string when the source code button is clicked?
- Can you please share the clear information about your requirement? This will help us provide a prompt solution.