Thanks for your hint,
I tried to set the "NavigateTo" property in the code-behind of the SchedulerPage.
It works like in your sample, and can be taken as a workaround.
But it is not the optimal solution, here is what happens:
I use the MVVM pattern, so the VisibleDatesChangedCommand of the schedule is used.
1. Start app with current date, navigate to Scheduler (in week view)
2. VisibleDatesChangedCommand is called once with args.visibleDates.Count=7 with the current week dates, and the appointments are shown. Fine.
3. Navigate back to start page
4. Set date to one month in the future
5. Navigate to the scheduler
6. VisibleDatesChangedCommand is called with args.visibleDates.Count=7 with the new set date week dates. Great.
7. But then: VisibleDatesChangedCommand is called again with args.visibleDates.Count=7 with the OLD date week dates. Fail.
8. Now the "OnAppearing" of the SchedulerPage is called, with NavigateTo(Date.Time.Now)
9. And again, VisibleDatesChangedCommand is called with args.visibleDates.Count=7 with the new set date week dates.
As you can see, VisibleDatesChangedCommand is called three times with this workaround, and with every call the current appointments must be queried from database.
Please consider to treat this behavoir as a bug. The schedule should always use the current date when showing up, not the date it was started with the first time.
[EDIT] In addition, the NavigateTo doesn't work after that. Once called with a new date, the VisibleDatesChangedCommand is fired THREE times,
first time with the new dates, then with the dates from the very first showing of the Scheduler, third time with the dates last shown...........