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Restrict time in DateTimePicker to business hours like scheduler or TimePicker component

Is it possible to restrict the hours in the DateTime picker?  It would be ideal to set a start and end time for each day of the week (a short day on Saturday).  If not is there anything like the TimePicker or Scheduler control that can prevent saving a time outside business hours?


5 Replies

DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team March 25, 2019 06:33 AM UTC

Hi Scott,  
Greetings from Syncfusion support.  
We have a demo sample in Timepicker that depicts your requirement to choose the time input in a specified range of values. Please check the below link.  
This sample uses two Timepicker inputs, in which the selection in second Timepicker will be set based on the value selected in first Timepicker.  
Please check and get back to us if you would require any further assistance.  
Deepa L. 

SE Scott Eaton March 28, 2019 07:39 PM UTC

Sorry, I am a new developer and not sure how to apply this demo to the DateTimePicker control to get what I am looking for.  I am able to accomplish what I want with separate TimePicker and Calendar controls by setting the min/max for each. The question is if I can combine them using a single DateTimePicker control.  The date should be >= today and the time selection restricted to business hours.  Perhaps I just need to keep them separate for my use case?  Here is what I have currently that works:

[showTodayButton]= "showTodayButton"


public minDate: Date = new Date();
public minTime: Date = new Date('1/1/1999 8:00 AM');
public maxTime: Date = new Date('1/1/1999 9:00 PM');
public isStrictMode = true;
public interval = 15;
public showTodayButton = false;
public onRenderCell(args: any) {
if (args.date.getDay() === 0 || args.date.getDay() === 5) {
// sets isDisabled to true for Sunday and .
args.isDisabled = true;

DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team April 1, 2019 06:04 PM UTC

Hi Scott, 
Sorry for the delay in responding your query.  
We have checked your requirement to disable time ranges in Datetimepicker. Sorry but this requirement is currently not feasible with Datetimepicker.  So, we have considered the reported scenario as the improvement in Datetimepicker that will be included in any one of our upcoming releases. We appreciate your patience until then. 
You could track the status of this feature in our feedback portal tool.  
If you have any specific requirement for this feature in your application, please add it as a comment in the above link and we will consider this in the initial implementation phase itself.  
Deepa L.  

SE Scott Eaton April 1, 2019 08:22 PM UTC

Thank you for your consideration.


DL Deepa Loganathan Syncfusion Team April 2, 2019 06:05 AM UTC

Hi Scott,  

Thank you. Please let us know if you have any further queries.  

Deepa L. 

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