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Slow page loads when referencing ej2.min.js

I followed the instructions in the documentation for my .NET Core MVC application by adding the to the head of my _Layout file. I'm not using any controls at the moment and simply looking at how long page loads take with and without the script. The difference is significant. Seems to add 3 seconds for every page (even if I revisit the same page). Shouldn't this file be cached? Is there a better way of injecting this script to support the various controls that will end up getting used?

1 Reply

JD Jayakumar Duraisamy Syncfusion Team March 1, 2019 09:57 AM UTC

Hi Stephan, 
We suggest you use CRG (Custom Resource Generator) where you can generate the script files of required component. This may reduce the file size as the script files of unwanted components will not be included also the page loading will be faster. We have provided the CRG link below for your reference. 
We also would like to inform you that gzip request can also reduce the file size. 
Jayakumar D 

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