Hi Minh,
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We do not have have direct support to change the size of SfAutoComplete. We can use the below given workaournd on SelectionChanged event of SfAutoComplete, during the selection change we have changed the height of SfAutoComplete.
var autocomplete = (sender as Syncfusion.SfAutoComplete.XForms.SfAutoComplete); if (autocomplete.SelectedItem != null && autocomplete.SelectedItem is IList) { var count = (autocomplete.SelectedItem as IList).Count; var extendheight = Math.Ceiling(count / 2d) * 45; if (extendheight != 0 && autocomplete.HeightRequest != extendheight) { autocomplete.HeightRequest = extendheight; } else if (extendheight == 0 && autocomplete.HeightRequest != extendheight) { autocomplete.HeightRequest = 45; } } |
Please have the sample for the same from the link given below.
Please check with the above sample and let us know if you have any clarification on this.
Selva Kumar V.