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How do I show/hide columns in a generated report?

Hi Team,

When a report is shown or exported, how can I hide/show the columns of a generated report. Also, how can I hide/show with the headers and footers for a generated report.

Looking forward for your response.


3 Replies

MM Mageshyadav M Syncfusion Team February 20, 2019 11:39 AM UTC

Hi Amanpreet, 
Please find the response for your queries. 
When a report is shown or exported, how can I hide/show the columns of a generated report 
If your case is to show/hide any columns based on your process of report viewing or report exporting then you can achieve your requirement by using this built in fields “Globals!RenderFormat.Name” to make condition in Column Visibility Expression while designing the report 
Please find the snapshot traversing to Column Visibility Expression, 
Please find the reference condition to set in visibility expression, 
=IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name == "RPL",  false, true) 
In the above expression “RPL” value will come when report is viewed hence you can modify the expression accordingly 
Also, how can I hide/show with the headers and footers for a generated report. 
No, We don’t have option to hide/show header and footer while exporting. We can decide whether header and footer needs to be visible or not while designing the report only. 

AM Amanpreet February 26, 2019 08:15 PM UTC

I am not able to understand the steps. Can you please explain in detail. My requirement is to be able to operate on the generated report. I should be able to hide or show the columns or header/ footer in a generated report.


MM Mageshyadav M Syncfusion Team February 27, 2019 07:00 AM UTC

Hi Amanpreet, 
Can you clearly share some additional details or snapshot on your requirement and confirm us whether you are expecting to hide/show any columns and hide/show header/footer while exporting the report alone so that visibility of columns/header/footer will be varying for both viewing the Report in ReportViewer and exporting. Based on your confirmation, we can provide further clear steps for your understanding. 

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