The version of Syncfusion.EJ is 16.4460.0.52
I'm receiving following many time in chrome console
WebResource.axd:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
The URL of that is
Sometimes I get following in chrome console
GET http://localhost:2052/WebResource.axd?d=_02HorMgHfpa-An8s4LPQMk8xjgqFU5oJuavVBICeekA-Npq2JPR-qAWMrsrRsd-HaviiuCAOK0KXsyjlp1_qsldqRv4RZloUUFvoNFunbn_qlT-BsESVKsXVpwSmoEblm7oioq-rmMUF8MkfOs05vNhrLoPkrRJ7VjxWF4L4aUci2y685oIJYJ_n0hLuDp-0&t=636863876354096555 404 (Not Found)
This is coming from my aspx page. From this script. (This is only the first few lines)
script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
window.document.forms[0].target = '';
}, 0);
"clientId": "ctl09",
"uniqueId": "ctl09",
"serverEvents": ["click"]
"sheets": [{
"rangeSettings": [{}],
"rows": [{
"index": 0,
"height": 0,
"cells": [{
"index": 0,
"value": "00 . 00"
}, {
"index": 0,
Nothing is in these URLs. Then, It should be coursing problems.
Next error is from ej.spreadsheet.min.js
_refreshScroller: function(n, i, r) {
var c, s, l, h, b, k, a = 0, e = this.XLObj, n = e._getSheetIndex(n), o = e.getSheet(n), f = this._hScroller(n), y = o.columnWidth, p = o.rowHeight, u = this._vScroller(n), w = e.model.scrollSettings.scrollMode === t.Spreadsheet.scrollMode.Normal, d = e._getContent(n), g = d.find(".e-content")[0], v;
if (w && f && u && d.find("table").length && (this._refreshContHgt(n),
r = r === "horizontal" ? "all" : r),
f && (r === "all" || r === "horizontal")) {
Error Over Here >>>> if (c = g.offsetWidth,
s = e._getWidth(0, o.colCount - 1, n) - o._frozenWidth,
s < c + 2 * y && !w)
for (b = Math.floor((c + y * 5 - s) / y),
v = 0; v < b; v++)
this._createNewColumn(n, {
rowIndex: -1,
colIndex: -1
}, {
rowIndex: -1,
colIndex: -1
}, "insert"),
s = s + y;
f._scrollData.handleSpace = c - 2 * f.model.buttonSize;
a = e._isFrozen(e.getFrozenColumns()) ? e._getColOffsetLeft(o, e.getFrozenColumns()) - o._contScrollLeft : 0;
f._scrollData.handle = Math.floor((c - a) / s * f._scrollData.handleSpace);
f._scrollData.handle < 15 && (f._scrollData.handle = 15);
f._scrollData.scrollable = f.model.maximum = s - (c - a);
f._scrollData.onePx = f._scrollData.scrollable / (f._scrollData.handleSpace - f._scrollData.handle) || 1;
f.model.scrollLeft = f._scrollData.handleSpace - f._scrollData.handle
It says GET http://localhost:2052/WebResource.axd?d=YAzUlQoRhixIR5DlFJkOhKJ9EOVSX-y02Gbf8BYx5DzwzzXN-ZJq_RkvJSA-nlo4asrWWfIzxOi4FrSuBegY2D2rPP4MeBzHtVYVPENtBFu7RY5erCWwhjw1cUETJjWBQkMcjGtOjHYYZuY2L8jR8v__AZ7pLgsZpGistXXbd-gTqfBTd_3bUUs9VE9vY1gLip8FAbp8JZ5OUlzBvuwtow2&t=636863876354096555 404 (Not Found)
Next error is from ej.web.all.min.js
if (this._removeClass(b, "e-overflow"),
this.clearRangeData([n, i, n, i], ["isOverflow"], "", "", "", !0),
h.getPropertyValue(n, i + 1, "value2", c) && !k && (tt = !0),
tt || (yt = st._rowHeightCollection,
ct = st._ofColWidthColl,
et = b ? this.XLFormat.getFormatFromHashCode(this.XLFormat.getFormatClass(b.className)) : {},
u || (g = document.getElementById(this._id + "_emptySpan"),
this.addClass(g, "e-rowcell e-wrapword"),
this.addClass(g, ut),
g.textContent = h.getPropertyValue(n, i, "value2", c),
error here>>> u = "text-indent"in et ? Math.round(4 / 3 * Number(et[t.Spreadsheet.SupportedStyles.TextIndent].replace("pt", "")) + this._detailsFromGlobalSpan(n, i, "width", g.textContent, null, !0)) : g.offsetWidth),
ht = this.XLShape._getCellIndexFromOffset(null, ct[i] + u, c, !0),
w = ht.colIndex - i),
!f && h.getPropertyValue(n, i, "value2", c) && (l = h.getPropertyValue(n, i, "overflow", c),
!t.isNullOrUndefined(l) && l.rowIndex === n))
if (ft = this.getCell(l.rowIndex, l.colIndex),
ft && this.addClass(ft[0], "e-overflow"),
rowIndex: l.rowIndex,
Next from jquery-3.3.1.min.js
function Fe(e, t, n) {
var r, i, o, a, s =;
Error Here >>> return (n = n || $e(e)) && ("" !== (a = n.getPropertyValue(t) || n[t]) || w.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) || (a =, t)),
!h.pixelBoxStyles() && We.test(a) && Be.test(t) && (r = s.width,
i = s.minWidth,
o = s.maxWidth,
s.minWidth = s.maxWidth = s.width = a,
a = n.width,
s.width = r,
s.minWidth = i,
s.maxWidth = o)),
void 0 !== a ? a + "" : a
I've seen your code examples of spreadsheet has "Content/Spreadsheet/SpreadsheetStyles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
I didn't include this. The error comes in both ways. But I don't have that file in solution. Is that is required even if I'm not using rel='nofollow' href on it?