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Cant use Datasource whit grid

Cant use Datasource whit grid.

1 Reply

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team February 18, 2019 05:19 AM UTC

Hi Guadalupe, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.  
Query: “I cant use DataSource with Grid.  
From your query, we understand that you are facing issue while binding dataSource to Grid in ASP.NET Webforms. We are able to reproduce the reported issue at our end when Syncfusion.EJ.Dll is not referred into the project. To overcome the reported issue kindly refer the Sycnfusion.EJ.Dll into the project / sample. 
Refer the below code example 
Please get back to us if you have further queries. 
Vignesh Natarajan 

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