Hi Marko,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
Query 1: I tried with [(dataSource)]='data', but if I changed data item, this was not shown in the grid.
We have analyzed your query and In Essential JS2, we have used object reference (Inner property changes does not reflect the control) instead of deep watch to prevent the performance issue. Also to overcome the reported problem, we suggest you to use the below solution.
In such cases, we can enforce change detection, similar to the way followed by OnPush Change detection strategy, by changing the reference using the below simple line.
this.data[0]['CustomerID'] = "SUPRD";
this.data = [...this.data]
... |
Please check below links on more info using OnPush change detection strategy and enforcing change detection with after data change.
We have prepared a simple sample in the following stacblitz link.
Query 2: If I edit something in grid, it did not changed in original object.
If you want to do CRUD operations in server side also then we need to handle it in server end. We have already discuss about the above mention query in the following documentations.
Thavasianand S.