Hi Christophe,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
We have analyzed your query. Currently, we don’t have support for milliseconds label format. In work around using axisLabelRender event, you can customize axis label. We have achieved this using the DateTimeCategory axis, but this is behave like category axis. Please find below sample and code snippet.
Code Snippet:
axis = (args: IAxisLabelRenderEventArgs) => {
if(args.axis.orientation === 'Horizontal') {
for(var i=0; i< args.axis.series.length; i++)
for(var j=0; j<args.axis.series[i].points.length; j++){
if(args.axis.series[i].points[j].xValue === args.value){
args.text = args.text + ':' + (new Date(+args.axis.series[i].points[j].x).getMilliseconds()).toString();
} |
Here we have shown the customized label format(hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds),
Hope this helps.