With this https://alexdunn.org/2017/12/27/xamarin-tip-xamarin-forms-long-press-effect/ you can define a "LongPressEffect" to bind to any Element in forms to intercept a "long press". This works fine on Xamarin standard controls but not on a SfRotator. I tried to use it on a label inside a rotator item, this also does not work.
This works if not used in a SfRotator item:
<Label effects:LongPressedEffect.Command="{Binding BindingContext.LongPressCommand}">
<effects:LongPressedEffect />
This is the label to press long!
Even this does not work:
effects:LongPressedEffect.Command="{Binding LongPressCommand}"
SelectedDotColor="{StaticResource Blue}"
UnselectedDotColor="{StaticResource CustomLightGray}">
<effects:LongPressedEffect />
I added a OnPropertyChanged handler to the sample to see the binding set of the command. In the cases it does not work this does not get called.