I'm having some trouble with the new Xamarin.Forms update, with version
The app starts normally, but when I try to open any page that contains a sfDataGrid control, the TypeLoadException gets thrown with the following description:
FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Parent class vtable failed to initialize, due to: VTable setup of type Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms.ExtScrollViewer failed assembly:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mycompany.myApp/files/.__override__/Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms.dll type:ExtScrollViewer member:(null)
02-07 17:47:13.658 E/mono-rt (27527): at myApp.MyPage.InitializeComponent () [0x00177] in C:\...\obj\Debug
The app runs fine with Xamarin.Forms version, or with the updated version in UWP.
So far the problem only occurs in iOS and Android, with updated Xamarin.Forms 3.5
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you.