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Set the drawer width dynamically

In the Xamarin.Forms Navigation Drawer samples, the drawer width is set dynamically based on the screen width:

 defaultDrawer.DrawerWidth = (float)(Core.SampleBrowser.ScreenWidth * 0.8);

But the way ScreenWidth is determined is hidden inside the Core.SampleBrowser library.

How can I set the drawer width according to the screen size? I can only get the screen width in pixels, but the DrawerWidth requires a float.



3 Replies

NI Nick February 6, 2019 11:54 AM UTC

I got it working like this, in my case I just wanted the drawer to be 40 pixels less than the width of the screen.

   var metrics = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;

    navigationDrawer.DrawerWidth = System.Convert.ToSingle(metrics.Width) / (System.Convert.ToSingle(metrics.Density)) - 40f;

PA Paul February 6, 2019 05:35 PM UTC

Thanks for that Nick, that's interesting. 

Clearly Syncfusion has done it in a cross-platform way (although I haven't tried the Drawer in iOS, so I'm making assumptions there). It's a pity they don't reveal the method, as I've searched for a solution everywhere.

But your solution might be the answer I'm looking for - I'll give it a try.

Thanks again

MS Mugundhan Saravanan Syncfusion Team February 9, 2019 09:54 AM UTC

Hi Paul,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We can take the overall screen width and height of the device, this has been explained on the below stackoverflow link.


On our SfNavigationDrawer we need to set the width based on your requirement as mentioned below.

defaultDrawer.DrawerWidth = App.ScreenWidth/2;

We have modified a sample for the same, please download it from the link given below.

Sample link : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/142474/ze/SfNavigationDrawerSample-1031154501

Mugundhan S.

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