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unable to get validation working with maskedtextbox

Hello Community,

My project is using ASP.NET Core validation in my model,  but I'm not seeing any validation for my masked text box. All other inputs show a validation error message when necessary but those messages are missing the proper 'input name' within the error message. 

I created a test project in which i attempted to recreate the issue, however to my surprise the maskedtextbox worked correctly. The other validation messages also were corrected.

Seems there is a conflict somewhere, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. 

I've included the html output where you can see there are different HTML attributes being output. 

I've also include my _Layout.cshtml and Create.cshtml. If there is anything else please let me know.

Thank you. 

Attachment: solution_18d9e05c.zip

6 Replies

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team February 5, 2019 10:36 AM UTC

Hi Andrew, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We checked your reported issue “Validation not working in MaskedTextBox“ and your attached files. On checking your attached cshtml file and output component element structure, we suspect you need to perform server side validation. Based on that, we prepared a sample with your cshtml file and included server side validation for it and validation was working fine and we could not reproduce your reported issue. Please check the below attached sample for your reference, 
If you need to perform client side validation, please check the below documentation, 
If you are still facing issue in your application-level, please let us know the details so that we can help you further. 

AN Andrew February 6, 2019 01:24 AM UTC

Hello Christo,

Thanks for your reply. Server side validation is what I'm trying to get working. 

I've provided a sample of the issue I'm facing. 

Attachment: ValidationIssue.UI.Web_df6804e1.zip

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team February 6, 2019 11:46 AM UTC

Hi Andrew, 

Thanks for the update. 

In our MaskedTextBox component, we are not providing the server side validation for all the cases. We will provide the server side validation for some cases only(Submit action). For this case, we suggest you to use client side validation for MaskedTextBox component. Please refer the below code block. 


//Don’t need to specify the validation rules in server side 
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; } 


<ejs-maskedtextbox id="PhoneNumber" ejs-for="PhoneNumber" mask="000-000-0000" change="validate" name="PhoneNumber"> 


// checks the length of mask value and returns corresponding boolean value 
var customFn = function(args) { 
    var argsLength = args.element.ej2_instances[0].value.length; 
    if(argsLength != 0){ 
        return argsLength >= 10; 
    } else { 
        return true; 
//value is returned based on the length of mask 
var custom = function(args) { 
    var argsLength = args.element.ej2_instances[0].value.length; 
    if(argsLength == 0){ 
    return 0; 
    } else { 
        return argsLength; 
// sets required property in the FormValidator rules collection 
var options = { 
    rules: { 
        'PhoneNumber': { numberValue: [customFn, 'Enter valid mobile number'] }, 
// defines FormValidator to validate the MaskedTextBox 
    var formObject = new ej.inputs.FormValidator('#customerForm', options); 
//FormValidator rule is added for empty MaskedTextBox 
    formObject.addRules('PhoneNumber', { maxLength: [custom, 'Enter mobile number'] }); 
// places error label outside the MaskedTextBox using the customPlacement event of FormValidator 
formObject.customPlacement =  function(element, error) { 
function validate() { 

To know more details about client side Form validation in MaskedTextBox, please check the below help document. 

Please let us know if you need further assistance on this. 


AN Andrew February 6, 2019 03:34 PM UTC


I understand that I could use the client side FormValidator. However, there must be some other conflict/issue effecting my project. Server side should work, I'm only validating on submit. 

If I can take the affected code and place it in a new project and it works (same as the sample you sent), It should work in my existing project! Please help!

AN Andrew February 6, 2019 11:41 PM UTC


Please disregard my last request for assistance, after much testing I have come to understand how things are working. 

I humbly thank you for your time.  

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team February 7, 2019 09:33 AM UTC

Hi Andrew, 

We are glad to hear that the issue has been resolved at your end. Please let us know if you require any further assistance. 


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