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How to create multiple pages pdf document?

Hi guys,

Using EJ2, MVC5, VS2017...

I need to generate pdf reports that have multiple pages. I started by drawing data directly to page but when points exceeded first page a second page was not rendered correctly (data from second page was rendered in the first page header). Please kindly check bellow:

Sample from my code to generate pdf report using db data...

First page renders correctly:

I attached controller code and pdf generated. Please help me to achive multiple page pdf generation.

Thank you.

Attachment: Ensaio_5fd4daaf.zip

3 Replies

KC Karthikeyan Chandrasekar Syncfusion Team January 29, 2019 04:56 PM UTC

Hi Vanderlei, 
In order to paginate the  text contents drawn using PdfTextElement  you may need to set layout Format for the text element as shown in the code below: 
//Set the properties to paginate the text. 
PdfLayoutFormat layoutFormat = new PdfLayoutFormat(); 
layoutFormat.Break = PdfLayoutBreakType.FitPage; 
layoutFormat.Layout = PdfLayoutType.Paginate; 
//Draw the text element with the properties and formats set. 
PdfTextLayoutResult result = element.Draw(page, bounds, layoutFormat); 
// Set bounds of next text based on last layout bounds 
bounds = new RectangleF( result.LastLineBounds.X , result.LastLineBounds.Y+20, page.Graphics.ClientSize.Width, page.Graphics.ClientSize.Height); 
// Use the  PdfTextLayoutResult Page propoerty whihch gets the last layout page after pagination. 
element.Draw(result.Page, bounds, layoutFormat); 

We have created a simple sample for the same it can be downloaded from below link: 
Please check if this helps to solve your issue. 

VA Vanderlei January 30, 2019 01:20 PM UTC

Hi Karthikeyan,

Now I am able to generate as many page as I need by using part of your suggested code.
Thank you so much!