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SFDataForm Scrolling Behavior on iOS different from Android

I have an SfDataForm implemented within a Stack Layout and the Stack Layout is embedded in a Scroll View. The data form has content before and after it on the page.

On iOS the data form scrolls within itself while on Andoird the page scrolls as a whole.

Would like the behavior to be the same as Android on iOS.

Is there a way to do this or is this an issue with the control?

Attached project illustrates this issue.

Attachment: dataform_30ef9511.zip

1 Reply

SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team January 23, 2019 04:02 AM UTC

Hi Bob 
We have checked your requirement with Xamarin.Forms.iOS and Xamarin.Forms.Android data form scrolling behavior when added DataForm in Stack panel. As per implementation of Dataform for both platforms, DataForm is added in respective frame work ScrollViewer . 
In Xamarin.Forms.iOS DataForm item’s get scrolled, since available size assigned from parent StackLayout is lesser than added elements and item will be displayed only in ViewPort height of scrollviewer. If you want to restrict the behavior of scrolling you can increase the SfDataForm HeightRequest to achieve your requirement. 
Please let us know if you need further assistance. 
Swathi G 

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