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Remove empty left empty space (margin)

Hi, How to remove empty left space into viewer?
My goal is to align the document content in left side and in resize not re-position the document content using automatically margin and not zooming document.
Thank you


3 Replies

SS Sathish Sivakumar Syncfusion Team January 16, 2019 11:00 AM UTC

Hi Emanuel, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Please find the details in the below table: 
My goal is to align the document content in left side 
At present we do not support to align the PDF document to the right or left of the PDF Viewer, so we cannot remove the empty space in the left side.  
However we can fit the PDF document with respect to the width of the PDF Viewer using the ViewMode options to fill the left and right side of the empty space present in PDF Viewer.  
Please find the documentation link below to know more details of the ViewMode options 
While setting the ViewMode options to FitWidth, the PDF document scales with respect to the width of PDF Viewer. 
in resize not re-position the document content using automatically margin and not zooming document. 
Please confirm if you mean application window resizing (i.e. Minimizing or Maximizing)? If not,  provide more details on the requirement "resizing" 

EM Emanuel January 16, 2019 03:03 PM UTC

Hi Sathish,
I saw that with FitWith the PDF document scales with respect to the width of PDF Viewer but my goal is to keep the pdf document size fixed without scaling / resize.
When I resize my page the size  of content pdfviewer not change.

Is there then how to calculate the size to be given to the viewer equal to the width of the pdf with 100% zoom? Or do I have to calculate it myself and set the fixed width?

In my project I used an InkCanvas control over the pdfviewer to write with the pen. But when you resize the page the pdfviewer "repositions" the pdf document (moving it to the left or right) and then the InkStrokes no longer correspond with the document.

I hope I have made you understand my need.

Thank you


SS Sathish Sivakumar Syncfusion Team January 17, 2019 09:00 AM UTC

Hi Emanuel, 
Thanks for your update. 
The provided details are not enough for us to analyze your requirement. So, we have created a support incident under your account to track the status of your requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates  

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