Editing custom recurring appointments doesn't seem to work.
For example, I changed the CustomizationDemo to have one of the appointments recurring, like this:
var xdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3) ;
RecurrenceProperties RecProp = new RecurrenceProperties();
RecProp.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceType.Daily;
RecProp.IsDailyEveryNDays = true;
RecProp.DailyNDays = 1;
RecProp.IsRangeRecurrenceCount = true;
RecProp.IsRangeNoEndDate = false;
RecProp.IsRangeEndDate = false;
RecProp.RangeRecurrenceCount = 15;
var recRule = ScheduleHelper.RRuleGenerator(RecProp, xdate, xdate.AddDays(13));
AppCollection.Add(new Appointment()
AppointmentImageURI = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/CustomizationDemo;Component/Assets/Team.png")),
AppointmentType = Appointment.AppointmentTypes.Office,
Status = Schedule.AppointmentStatusCollection[0],
StartTime = xdate.AddHours(10),
EndTime = xdate.AddHours(12),
AppointmentTime = xdate.AddHours(10).ToString("hh:mm tt"),
Subject = "TESTMeeting",
AppointmentBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 60, 181, 75)),
RecurrenceRule = recRule,
IsRecursive = true
1. problem
When I run the demo, it correctly shows custom appointments. However, when I edit recurring appointment, click 'The entire series', change the Subject and save, the Schedule control still shows the old Subject (in this case 'TESTMeeting'). How to show updated properties in the SfSchedule when using custom appointment type?
2. problem
When I click on an recurring appointment, and click on 'Just this one' the program breaks in EditAppointment (which is called from the editButton_Click event handler) method with NullReferenceException, because the property AddDataContext.Appointment is not the custom Appointment type, but ScheduleAppointment. How to receive correct object type in this event handler (this problem also occurs in AppointmentEditorClosed event handler)?
Thanks, Tom