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Center text in the middle of the chart

Hi my friends

I am trying to put the values ​​of the graph in the center of the Doughnut, in a few words I want to visualize the values ​​of the tooltip in a text in the center of the graph.

I appreciate the help with this topic, if this requirement is possible.

I want some like this:

 thanks for helping.

1 Reply

KC Kalaimathi Chellaiah Syncfusion Team January 9, 2019 09:33 AM UTC

Hi Miguel, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
We have analyzed your requirement with attached screenshot. We can achieve this requirement using  chart annotation feature and PointRegionMouseMove event. Using this event we can get current point values and use this information in annotation which is placed to the center of the donut. 

Code Snippet:  
//Annotation content div 
<div id="watermark" style="display:none"> 
        <span></span><label style=";font-size:30px; position: relative;" id="lblMsg"></label> 
@(Html.EJ().Chart("container").Annotations(an => 
              //Used to place the text in center of the chart 
function pointregionmousemove(args) { 
   var label = document.getElementById('lblMsg'); 
           label.style.color = args.model.series[0].points[args.data.pointData[0].PointIndex].fill; 
           label.innerHTML = args.model.series[0].points[args.data.pointData[0].PointIndex].y + '%' + '<br/>' + ' ' + args.model.series[0].points[args.data.pointData[0].PointIndex].x ; 
          //some code here 


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