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Is there any treelistview control? I am looking for checkbox, combo-box, custom control in the subitems of the list. The control should have a tree structure as well. Please let me know if there is such a control. Thanks.

11 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 20, 2004 04:53 PM UTC

Patrick, It''s in the works. Unfortunately we don''t have anything at this time. Just to be sure, could you give us a screenshot of the kind of treelist you are looking at, if you have any. If not, is it like the treeview in the VS.Net debug window? Or is there any other popular application that has a similar tree view. This will help us take into account necessary requirements of a tree list control in our implementation. Regards, Praveen

PA Patrick May 27, 2004 11:01 AM UTC

I am interested in a control like the watch window in VS.NET. If you have a structure, you can expand a node and see the child nodes. I would also need to have more than just edit control in the sub columns, such as combo box, checkbox, etc... It would be nice if I can also provide non standard controls. thanks. Patrick

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 27, 2004 03:06 PM UTC

Patrick, Thanks for the feedback. That is inline with our feature list. We will make sure to accomodate your requests. Regards, Praveen

DP David Porter May 26, 2005 03:13 PM UTC

Hi Did treelist functionality ever make it into a Syncfusion release?.. the last message seems to imply this functionality was in development a year ago. thanks Dave

HP Holger Persch May 27, 2005 05:50 AM UTC

I''m also interested in a TreeListView - is there any information about that available? Regards Holger Persch

HP Holger Persch June 1, 2005 06:15 AM UTC

Is someone going to answer this? Regards Holger Persch

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 5, 2005 09:59 PM UTC

Hi Holger, If you want to be guaranteed a response, you should use our Direct Trac support system. This is a peer to peer forum, where posts may not get a response. Syncfusion employees do try to respond if possible, but sometimes a post may go unresponded to for a period of time. If you use Direct Trac, you should get a timely response as an engineer will get the issue as soon as you post it. We do not have a multicolumn tree control yet. If your data is defined through related tables in a DataSet, then you can use our GridDataBoundGrid to display it in a tree. See this sample. \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\DataBound\Hierarchical\GDBGTreeLines If you want a multicolumn treecontrol that is defined by a self-referencing DataTable (ie. each row has a relation to another row in the same DataTable, like a reportsTo field in a table of employees), then you can use the techinque in the sample referenced at the bottom of this post to display such a tree. If you want to display a property grid type control, the sample below also shows how you can do that as well. Here is a link to a sample that shows how you can do something like this. It has 2 forms, one shows a property grid and the other shows a grid that supports a self referencing list. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/TreeGridHelper1_ae3a7a78.zip

SV Sameer Vartak August 19, 2005 12:10 PM UTC

Hi, Proposed TreeListview control (Like VS.net debug view), Is it going to be separate product or this functionality will be added in Essential Grid? Thanks, Sameer >Hi Holger, > >If you want to be guaranteed a response, you should use our Direct Trac support system. This is a peer to peer forum, where posts may not get a response. Syncfusion employees do try to respond if possible, but sometimes a post may go unresponded to for a period of time. If you use Direct Trac, you should get a timely response as an engineer will get the issue as soon as you post it. > >We do not have a multicolumn tree control yet. > >If your data is defined through related tables in a DataSet, then you can use our GridDataBoundGrid to display it in a tree. See this sample. \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\DataBound\Hierarchical\GDBGTreeLines > >If you want a multicolumn treecontrol that is defined by a self-referencing DataTable (ie. each row has a relation to another row in the same DataTable, like a reportsTo field in a table of employees), then you can use the techinque in the sample referenced at the bottom of this post to display such a tree. > >If you want to display a property grid type control, the sample below also shows how you can do that as well. > >Here is a link to a sample that shows how you can do something like this. It has 2 forms, one shows a property grid and the other shows a grid that supports a self referencing list. > >http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/TreeGridHelper1_ae3a7a78.zip

SG Sowmya Gautam November 24, 2008 12:27 PM UTC

Hi ,

Do the latest version (Version of SYncFusion Essential studio and Essential Test studio provide support for Treeview objects of .Net applciation?
I am trying to recognize the Treeview objects of my .net application with QTP,but
in vain -Treeview objects do not get recognized at all.
Infact they were recorded with co-ordinates before using teh Test studio ,now even the co-ordinate based recognition is gone.

Please advice asap.

>Proposed TreeListview control (Like VS.net debug view), Is it going to be separate product or this functionality will be added in Essential Grid?
>>Hi Holger,
>>If you want to be guaranteed a response, you should use our Direct Trac support system. This is a peer to peer forum, where posts may not get a response. Syncfusion employees do try to respond if possible, but sometimes a post may go unresponded to for a period of time. If you use Direct Trac, you should get a timely response as an engineer will get the issue as soon as you post it.
>>We do not have a multicolumn tree control yet.
>>If your data is defined through related tables in a DataSet, then you can use our GridDataBoundGrid to display it in a tree. See this sample. \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\DataBound\Hierarchical\GDBGTreeLines
>>If you want a multicolumn treecontrol that is defined by a self-referencing DataTable (ie. each row has a relation to another row in the same DataTable, like a reportsTo field in a table of employees), then you can use the techinque in the sample referenced at the bottom of this post to display such a tree.
>>If you want to display a property grid type control, the sample below also shows how you can do that as well.
>>Here is a link to a sample that shows how you can do something like this. It has 2 forms, one shows a property grid and the other shows a grid that supports a self referencing list.

SG Sowmya Gautam November 24, 2008 12:35 PM UTC

Hi ,

Please find the software application versions I am using:
2.0 Net framework and .Net application
QTP 9.5 with .Net addin(-is this supported?)
Syncfusion Essential Studio adn Test Studio

Please let mw know hwo to go about the issue. .My work is being blocked
coz of the Treeview recognition issues.


NR Nirmal Raja Syncfusion Team December 23, 2008 03:50 PM UTC

Hi Sowmya,

The tree view in the GridDataBoundGrid control provided to you, has been developed using a helper class where the Essential Test Studio does not have support for these methods.

The Essential Studio has implemented a control called GridGroupingControl in the current version, which has support for tree view internally.
This control will support all the methods that has been implemented in it.
Please let us know if you can use the control, instead of the GridDataBoundGrid control.


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