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Circular Gauge Header Text Size Not the Same as a Label Annotation Font Size in version 6.4 for Android

In a Circular Gauge that contains a Header and a Label Annotation the Header TextSize is smaller than the Label FontSize. This is only for Android. With iOS and Windows 10 they are the same size. This only started to occur with version 6.4.

In the attached picture, the E and F are label annotations, and the 1/2, Fuel Level, and 90% are headers, all with a text and label size of 18. In version 6.3 and with iOS and Windows 10, they are all the same size as the E and F.

Attachment: Circular_Gauge_v16.4_3724943a.zip

2 Replies

MA Mark January 4, 2019 07:17 PM UTC

Here is a sample app (from the one you sent me for another post). You can see the differences with the x100 annotation and header.
Attachment: CircularGaugeSample_486eb025.zip

MP Michael Prabhu M Syncfusion Team January 8, 2019 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Mark, 
Greetings from Syncfusion, 
We can able to reproduce the issue confirming this as a bug and the fix for this issue will be available in our subsequent weekly NuGet release which is scheduled on every Tuesday of the week and you can expect this fix on 16th January 2019 weekly NuGet release. If you wish to receive this fix in a specific prior release product version please revert back to us(backwards compatibility subject to technological feasibility and our Support SLA) You can now track the current status of your request, review the proposed resolution timeline,  and contact us for any further inquiries through this link. We appreciate your patience until then. 


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