Hi Dilli,
thanks for the answers
for the textbox, i use your code but there is not box at the first page,
and to change the content between < > in a bookmark i use this code but it's not working.
then bookmark is like this
[hello mr <name>]
Dim a As New WordDocument(chemin + "\testword\etpdp.doc")
Dim bknav As BookmarksNavigator = New BookmarksNavigator(a)
Dim tbp As TextBodyPart = bknav.GetBookmarkContent
'Dim table As WTable = tbp.BodyItems(0)
For Each item As Entity In tbp.BodyItems
If TypeOf (item) Is WParagraph Then
Dim existe As TextSelection = CType(item, WParagraph).Find(New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<name>"))
If Not existe Is Nothing Then
CType(item, WParagraph).Replace(existe.SelectedText, "AAYADI", True, False)
End If
End If