I have a combobox with grouped items.
I want to style, font-size in particular, the item name and the grouping field name in the drop down (with different styles)
Is it possible?
Here is my code:
var datasource = [
{ field: 'Administrative Level 1', category: 'Geographical Data' }, { field: 'Administrative Level 2', category: 'Geographical Data' },
{ field: 'Market Name', category: 'Geographical Data' },
{ field: 'Commodity Name', category: 'Commodity' },
{ field: 'Price Value', category: 'Price' }, { field: 'Price of a specific commodity', category: 'Price' },
{ field: 'Price of a specific commodity with unit of measure', category: 'Price' }, { field: 'Unit Name', category: 'Unit of measure' },
{ field: 'Day', category: 'Date' }, { field: 'Month', category: 'Date' }, { field: 'Year', category: 'Date' },
{ field: 'Full Date (dd/mm/yyyy)', category: 'Date' }, { field: 'Week', category: 'Date' } , { field: 'Weekly Date (ww/yyyy)', category: 'Date' }
dataSource: datasource,
fields: { groupBy: 'category', text: 'field', value: 'field' },
placeholder: 'Select a mapping',
width: '350px',
popupHeight: '250px',
popupWidth: '350px'