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Vue Licence for small project

I want to create a small project for my shop.
I use VUE CLI 3 for this so I include sources from npm. Do I need to put any free licence code anywhere? If I create this project will we have problems in future for trial questions?
I want to be sure if I create all the code not having problems to use my App in the shop in future.

Thanks for all.

3 Replies

MS Madhu Sudhanan P Syncfusion Team December 3, 2018 06:53 AM UTC

Hi Natxo, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

If you are developing the project for your own use then you no need to worry about the licensing of your project. However it is essential to know about the third party licensing and you can know more about managing licenses using the below help links. 

To know about the Syncfusion Essential JavaScript 2 license, please go through the below link. 

Madhu Sudhanan P 

NA Natxo December 7, 2018 03:19 PM UTC

Thanks for the info!

MF Mohammed Farook J Syncfusion Team December 10, 2018 07:28 AM UTC

Hi Natxo,  
Thanks for your update. Please get back to us for further assistance.  
J Mohammed Farook 

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